
NSC Declares a New Pricing Model for Speech Recognition

ISRAEL - NSC, Natural Speech Communication Ltd., a provider of speech recognition engines, declares a new pricing model - selling ASR boards instead of ASR channels. The new version of the NSCBoard product line allows allocation and configuration of ASR resources on each board. This feature makes sizing and control of speech recognition resources simpler and more flexible. This feature enables NSC to sell speech recognition servers as PCI boards, where each board supports from 4 up to 120 simultaneous ASR channels, depending on the board type and required recognition channel. The NSCBoard supports various types of ASR channels and multiple languages. The application developer can choose to utilize several types of ASR channels and languages on the same board, and change the configuration according to application needs. "We believe that our new pricing model will give developers of speech-driven services a flexible tool", said Dr. Ami Moyal, NSC's CEO. "This 'server-based' approach, together with NSC's offering of a high-density ASR solution in one box while not consuming Pentium resources will provide our customers with a powerful, flexible ASR solution."
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