Motorola Licenses Fonix Speech Interface for Mobile Phones
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - Motorola has entered a licensing agreement with The Fonix Speech Group to use Fonix DECtalk text-to-speech (TTS) technology on upcoming mobile phones. Fonix's agreement with Motorola will make a text-to-speech (TTS) software upgrade for the Motorola i355 mobile phone, designed for visually impaired users. This software enables menu commands, contacts lists, recent calls, and other text on the phone's screen to be converted to speech. It also provides a speech-based confirmation of information such as caller ID, numbers dialed, battery level, signal strength, and date and time.
According to the agreement, Fonix will receive unit royalties based on the number of phones incorporating Fonix DECtalk.
DECtalk, Fonix's TTS technology, offers developers multiple languages, a small memory footprint and dictionary capabilities. Fonix DECtalk offers improved vocal tract technology, which results in TTS. Fonix DECtalk provides speech with pronunciation of single characters, words, phrases and ethnic-specific proper names.