
MacSpeech Applauds (and Clarifies) IBM Open Source Speech Recognition Announcement

SALEM, N.H. - Macintosh Speech Recognition authority MacSpeech announced that they applaud IBM for releasing some of its speech recognition software to the open source community, and wanted Macintosh users to know what this announcement might mean to them.

On September 13 IBM announced they are contributing a collection of speech software for handling basic words for dates, time and locations (like cities and states) to the Apache Software Foundation, and some speech editing tools to the Eclipse Foundation. None of the software being released to open source was specifically written for Macintosh, but by making it universally available, it may open up opportunities for developers of speech recognition software on the Macintosh platform.

It is important to note that none of the software being released by IBM appears to offer additional benefits such as dictation, spelling, correction, or transcription.

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