
MERA Systems Announces 2004 Milestones

TORONTO - Over the year, MERA increased the number of deployments by 100 percent, expanded the sales reach, and released two new VoIP products.

In the past year, MERA doubled the number of customers - as of today, it has above 300 deployments spanning over 40 countries worldwide.

The North American market yielded the biggest profit in 2004. MERA Session Controller installations were accomplished by Maximus Telecom, Skyytel, United Digital, and Aerocall.

In Europe, MERA's VoIP carriers include: Info-Tel Communication (Italy), GTS Datanet (Hungary), Spectrum Net (Bulgaria), and many others.

Another milestone of the past year was MERA's breakthrough in the VoIP markets of Central Asia and Middle East with a number of deals in Uzbekistan, Turkey, and other countries.

MERA has released two new products, MERA VoIPal Session Border Controller and MERA SIPrise VoIP-based Service Creation Platform.

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