
LiveVox Automates Voicemail Compliance on Manual and Preview Calls

LiveVox, a provider of enterprise cloud-based consumer contact solutions, today announced a new feature that enables credit and collection organizations to better manage answering machine compliance while increasing agent productivity during manual and preview dialing campaigns. By providing the ability to leave a standard, automated voicemail, even in preview or manual dialing modes, LiveVox closes a gap in most companies’ messaging compliance strategies while allowing an agent to more quickly reach the next consumer.

Although agencies have the ability to leave well-controlled, legally vetted automated messages on voicemail and answering machines during predictive campaigns, dialers are typically unable to leave messages in preview or manual modes. Agents are then left to decide and execute messaging content, which can be risky from a compliance standpoint and means high-paid agents are talking to machines rather than consumers.

“LiveVox is able to deliver features like this because key components of contact center infrastructure like ACD, IVR, call recording and the dialer come already integrated into our solution. This lets our clients focus on business strategy and compliance management instead of managing and integrating hardware,” said Louis Summe, CEO of LiveVox. “With new and demanding regulations on the horizon, collection organizations need vendors continually focused on developing and delivering new tools to help them manage change and stay profitable.”

The opportunity of cost of agents wasting time by speaking with machines is huge. Based on the per-minute cost of agent labor, collection organizations spend more than $1 for every manual answering machine message, while losing the opportunity to speak with a consumer and exposing their employer to a high level of risk.

“Most agency owners would think it crazy and risky to let collectors draft and send their own collection letters,” said John McNamara, chief marketing officer at LiveVox. “Letting collectors leave their own voicemails can be just as dangerous. Leaders need to rethink their messaging strategies to optimize live contacts and drive out dangerous variability. This feature lets managers establish a single point of control to approve and lock down voicemail content much as they have done with dun letter verbiage.”

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