Kurzweil Educational Ships Kurzweil 3000 V 7.0
BEDFORD, MA - Kurzweil Educational Systems Inc., developer of reading technology products for individuals with learning and visual disabilities, began shipping Version 7 of Kurzweil 3000(TM), the reading, writing and learning software for struggling students. Kurzweil 3000 Version 7 is a product that delivers flexibility to the testing experience, allowing students to leverage, when appropriate, the visual and auditory features of the same software for both formal test-taking and everyday use. Comprehensive product capabilities allow teachers to accommodate individual IEP requirements, assess students' ability and also ensure a smooth transition between classrooms and standardized testing situations. "The unique and innovative decoding and writing tools of Kurzweil 3000 Version 7 leave no doubt of Kurzweil Educational Systems' commitment to providing cutting-edge flexibility in test-taking," said Anne Fein, Associate Professor at Landmark College, the nation's premier college for high potential students with learning disabilities. "Also, what's exciting from an educator's perspective is that these new featuresĀ¾ available all in one packageĀ¾ enable teachers to provide students with the best instruction and customized testing accommodations without getting bogged down having to manage separate technologies and solutions." Enhancements in Kurzweil 3000 Version 7 include the ability to automatically search for books by title or author on electronic text repositories such as Bookshare.org , Project Gutenberg or Baen Free Library, and then download and read those books. To encourage use of this feature, Kurzweil 3000 Version 7 also includes a 30-day trial membership (U.S. only) to Bookshare.org, the online community that allows people with reading related disabilities to legally download over 10,000 public domain and copyrighted books. Other enhancements to the product include: the ability to electronically retrieve from within Kurzweil 3000 product updates and patches, news, and teaching and technical tips from Kurzweil Educational; and a complete redesign of the underlying image display components to boost usability and flexibility for students and the clarity of scanned page images as they are re-presented on the computer screen.