
IVoice Releases IVR Application Generator 2.0

MATAWAN, NJ - iVoice Inc. (OTC BB: IVOC) announced the release of IVR Application Generator 2.0, a telephony development environment meant to leverage the latest in speech recognition, text-to-speech and telephony features. Features of the iVoice Speech Enabled Application Generator according to iVoice include: Speech Recognition as a built in component, plus the ability to develop from the base IVR environment a complete speech driven call center, without any additional third party licensing; Speech Adaptation, a speech recognition system that analyzes incoming speech input, transforming the existing speech model to a customized speech model; Speech Channeling Tuning Tool, an iterative data analysis and performance improvement tool for gathering and analyzing speech input over phone lines; Text-to-Speech plug in integration; Analog, T1, E1, ISDN or Digital PBX (digital PBX for Avaya, Nortel, Mitel and Siemen's) integration; and E-mail Notification and Fax Notification to confirm receipt of a transaction. The application can route calls based on specified rules, monitors application performance, and logs calls and events. The Speech Enabled IVR telephony application is based on a modular architecture, where the main IVR program controls multiple IVR applications. The IVR application generator enables automatic routing of calls and launches applications based on the number dialed by a caller.
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