
Eureka! Finds a New Partner

Yesterday, BusComm, a value-added reseller, announced that it would be partnering with CallMiner to package Eureka Essentials with another call center solution it sells for Verint Systems. Eureka, the CallMiner software, will be offered as an add-on, enhancing Verint’s native capabilities.

Eureka Essentials is a speech analytics solution for small to midsize single site contact centers. The software can search up to 1,000 hours daily of recorded audio, while categorizing calls and analyzing acoustics in Web-based applications.

The software is able to determine caller behaviors (fear, anger, politeness, repeat calling, as well as other user-defined ones). On the acoustic end, Eureka can use pauses, stress, and tempo to also determine a caller’s level of agitation.

BusComm is planning a two-fold break out plan for the announcement, contacting its existing customers for upgrades, and generating new customers by presenting the Verint/CallMiner solution as one package.

According to a press release, CallMiner expects Eureka to integrate seamlessly into the Verint call recording system. Terry Leahy, president and CEO of CallMiner, asserts that his software is platform agnostic and will give BusComm the leverage to use a number of other capabilities, perhaps even with other applications, because Eureka converts data into nonproprietary audio files; audio files, we can assume, will be accessible to a whole host of other programs.

“What it means for us is an ability to offer the customer something above and beyond just the recording system,” says Cynthia Schulz, chief financial officer of BusComm. “It’s going to give them the tools they need for customer service, [and] for employee evaluation.”

CallMiner also signed a similar agreement today with Replay Systems, a value-added reseller of voice and data recording solutions.

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