
Deepgram Partners with In Q-Tel

Speech technology startup Deepgram today announced a partnership with In-Q-Tel (IQT), a strategic investor that helps accelerate the development and delivery of cutting-edge technologies to U.S. government agencies, allowing Deepgram to bring its automatic speech recognition and transcription technology to government agencies.

"Deepgram's use of an AI-enabled, neural network architecture leveraging custom speech recognition models trained on vast amounts of audio data allows them to rapidly achieve much more accurate transcriptions for non-standard audio environments versus solutions like Google Voice and Apple Siri," said George Hoyem, a managing partner at IQT, in a statement. "Using state-of-the-art transfer learning also enables Deepgram to quickly build speech-to-text capabilities for new and novel language variants on relatively small amounts of training data, resulting in huge time savings for our government partners."

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