
BeVocal System Selected by Liberty Wireless

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - BeVocal announced that Liberty Wireless has selected and deployed an outsourced automated customer care system with BeVocal. />Liberty provides pre and post-paid wireless service nationwide under a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) model. Liberty selected BeVocal's technology in order to shift routine billing, account management, order and payment calls to a speech-automated system.


"We needed to scale our customer service, and we needed to do it quickly and cost-effectively with someone who understood the complex requirements of wireless pre-paid and post-paid," said Don Charlton, president of Liberty Wireless. "BeVocal has a deep understanding of the wireless space and was able to deliver customized packaged applications that fit our business needs in just 30 days. We are extremely pleased at both the quality of these services and the speed with which they were delivered."


Liberty's speech-driven services from BeVocal will include: account balance and rate plan information; bill payment; minute refill; send balance text messaging; call routing; suspended account; and dealer and payment location finder.


"Liberty Wireless needed a solution that could be deployed quickly, but the company also needed an open, flexible system that could be changed easily and scale as the company grows," said Mikael Berner, CEO of BeVocal. "With BeVocal, Liberty was able to rapidly launch proven applications without having to build a competency around voice recognition. Moving forward, Liberty can leverage their open system to easily make application changes and to buy or build additional applications and capacity as it is needed."

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