
Angel.com Launches Emergency Hotline Solution

Angel.com launched an Emergency Hotline solution that includes:

  • Solution can be deployed within one business day
  • Allows setup of multiple locations with multiple managers
  • Managers can record updated information in real-time
  • Callers can access their location by DTMF codes or speech
  • Each location can have its own PINs for security

Interactive Demo:

This demo is for a restaurant emergency hotline where managers from different locations can call and update a message. Their employees can then dial in and say the name of the location of the restaurant they work at to hear updated information.

  1. Dial 866-609-0948
  2. Choose Manager Mode
  3. Enter your Store ID when prompted (1234)
  4. Enter your PIN when prompted (1111)
  5. Record your message when prompted
  6. You will return to the main menu, where you can say "Employee Mode"
  7. Choose the restaurant that you would like to hear information about
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