Aer Lingus Automates Flight Reservation Calls Using Voxify Automated Agents
ALAMEDA, Calif. - Autopilot has moved from the cockpit to the call center with Automated Agents™. Aer Lingus Airlines, Ireland's national carrier, and Voxify announced a deal whereby Voxify has been charged to support the airline's phone reservations. This includes fare shopping, bookings, itinerary changes, seat assignments, and reconfirmations.
"We are committed to giving our customers the best fares across the Atlantic. To accomplish this, we have to find unique ways to lower our own cost structure while maintaining customer service," said Jack Foley, Aer Lingus' executive vice president, North America. "With Voxify, we will be the first low cost transatlantic carrier to offer end-to-end reservations through an Automated Agent. When we began this process we had strict requirements to create a high-touch experience even as we pursued becoming a low-cost carrier. Voxify's technology, with its conversational intelligence, provides us with the best technological solution to handle important transactions, including reservations."
Aer Lingus North America handles more than a million calls a year within the United States. Internal studies demonstrate significant improvements in overall agent availability by providing Voxify Automated Agents. "In handling these calls Voxify's Automated Agents, for the first time, are allowing Aer Lingus travelers to book their reservations 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without ever waiting on hold. Moreover, because the Automated Agents are hosted and maintained by Voxify, we are able to significantly reduce the per-call cost of these calls," said William Kane, vice president of information technology at Aer Lingus Airlines.
Voxify Automated Agents will provide a wide number of self-service choices for incoming calls from customers. And for Aer Lingus management, the Automated Agents will provide detailed reports on traveler habits and preferences, delivering important information for training and marketing.