
Aculab supports Nuance 8 and Linux

MILTOAN KEYNES, UK - To ensure the continued development of applications utilising the latest technology, Aculab's Audio Provider now supports Nuance 8 and Linux operating system. The Aculab Audio Provider for Nuance 8 is a software package that gives developers the ability to exploit the speech processing features of Prosody. It increases the choice available to integrators using Prosody cards and confirms Aculab's commitment to offer value and choice for speech recognition technologies, including the choice of operating system, with support already available for Windows and Sun SPARC Solaris and now Linux. Developers can combine the Prosody DSP resource portfolio with the full range of Nuance speech recognition products as well as their voice interface software applications. These include Nuance Voice Web Server and Say Anything, to appeal to a diversity of enterprises, network and internet service providers. The Audio Provider is a ready-to-use host executable software module that interfaces with Aculab's Prosody card, which is used to provide telephony and speech processing features such as playback, recording, DTMF recognition and echo cancellation. This allows developers to exploit the capabilities of Prosody with Nuance to deliver voice access solutions without having to develop their own interface. Additional benefits can be gained from Aculab's digital network access pedigree as the Audio Provider enables a feature known as two B-channel call transfer (TBCT) also known as explicit call transfer. Using a single Prosody DSP module with echo cancellation, the system may play prompts to, and recognize responses from 24 users while allowing barge-in. With Prosody, developers gain access to a variety of separate algorithms that may be run simultaneously on a per DSP basis, such as playback, record, Group 3 fax and conferencing.
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