AIM-Virginia Renews Statewide License of Read:OutLoud 6 E-Book Software

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), through the George Mason University Accessible Instructional Materials Center (AIM-VA), has renewed its statewide license of Read:OutLoud 6, an eBook software program to read digital books aloud. This assistive technology tool provides reading accommodations to an estimated 170,000 students in 1,900 Virginia public schools. State superintendents and digital rights managers (DRMs) can sign up on the AIM-VA Web site to download Read:OutLoud 6 at no cost.

Read:OutLoud 6 enables easy access to a wide range of eBook formats, including DAISY, PDF, NIMAS, RTF, TXT, XML and HTML and Bookshare files and opens them without conversion. The software includes a robust set of reading comprehension tools and an accessible Web browser to access the Internet. Virginia students with IEPs and those served under 504 plans can use the text reader at school and at home to study independently while receiving timely access to electronic textbooks and accessible instruction materials as required by IDEA 2004 law.

"It is critical that we give Virginia schools the tools and support they need to provide access to digital formats for students with physical and reading disabilities," said Michael Behrmann, director of AIM-VA. "Through this statewide license, Virginia schools can use a quality text reader at considerable cost savings and receive in depth professional services that Don Johnston and our training team provide."

In 2009, Virginia educators attended workshops to learn to use Read:OutLoud to open digital files and to accommodate students who have difficulties reading and manipulating standard print. "Virginia educators were enthusiastic and quick to take advantage of this software. They made great strides to explore reading supports like text-to-speech and text formatting," said Joyce Sharp, AIM-VA's coordinator of training. "Based on their feedback, we extended the license so that more students would receive reading accommodations through this technology."

Mike Smith, information technology project leader for Henrico Public Schools, is the digital rights manager for 67 schools and provides feedback to the AIM-VA committee. His team developed a five-step process to ensure that every teacher experiences success with the AIM-VA statewide reading initiative. "Our Web site makes it easy for educators to identify students who qualify to receive access to the reading software and to request digital books on their behalf," he said. "Read:OutLoud is a solid reading tool that enables students to see and hear text read aloud. If an 8th grader can only read on a 3rd grade level, this software can enhance his confidence and improve his reading potential. This year, we want to provide Read:OutLoud 6 to an estimated 6,800 eligible students. We also plan to upgrade our online forms to a FileMaker Pro database to streamline timely access to accessible instruction materials and continue to protect important copyright laws."

Read:OutLoud is an approved reading accommodation in leading U.S. school districts, including every school in Indiana through the Indiana Center for Accessible Materials. The software allows students to navigate the latest eBooks and comprehend text in a multimodal digital learning environment. A built-in eHighlighter improves study skills. The talking dictionary enhances vocabulary. A bibliographer helps students accurately cite research. Read:OutLoud is recognized for its supportive reading comprehension templates designed to leverage strategies recommended by the National Reading Panel and Reading Next Report.

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