
AI Dubbing Market to Grow to $1.88 Billion by 2030

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Market research firm Valuates Reports has valued the global artificial intelligence dubbing tools market at $783 million in 2023 and expects it to reach $1.88 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual rate of 14.2 percent.

The growing need for localized material in international media, the development of voice synthesis and natural language processing (NLP) technology, and the emergence of streaming platforms are all driving the market for AI dubbing tools, it said.

AI-driven dubbing systems provide quick and affordable ways to dub material in several languages, increasing accessibility and viewership," the research firm concluded, noting that these techniques enhance the quality of dubbed footage by creating realistic-sounding voices and synchronizing them with on-screen lip movements using machine learning algorithms.

The emergence of cloud-based AI dubbing tools has transformed the process of creating video, Valuates said, noting that content creators—from indie filmmakers to YouTubers—can now use these tools to increase the accessibility and reach of their work.

The animation and film industries are using AI dubbing technologies more often to speed up the localization process. These techniques improve the viewing experience for multilingual audiences by providing consistent, high-quality dubbing that can mimic the subtleties of the original performance. AI may help animation companies with lip-syncing as well, making sure that character motions correspond precisely with dubbed voices.

AI dubbing is also being embraced by multinational companies looking to expand into new markets and in areas with a high degree of language variety, according to Valuates, which also found growing use in gaming, e-learning, and news media.

AI dubbing systems use natural language processing and sophisticated machine learning algorithms that can faithfully replicate human speech patterns, intonations, and emotions, guaranteeing that the subtleties of the original performance are preserved in the dubbed content, the firm concluded.

Valuates listed Visdee, Dubverse, Papercup, Naver Cloud Platform, Deepdub, Play.ht, and Google as the top market players in the AI dubbing segment.

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