

Putting Teams of GenAI Agents to Work

Multi-agent collaboration is the best approach to problem solving.

Standards for Openness in AI Models: The Model Openness Framework

Here's how to ensure these tools can be used in mission-critical applications

New Trends in Speech Technology: A Report from the Cutting Edge

Here's the research on which dramatic new capabilities are based.

Standards for Evaluating Generative AI

Assessing the output of genAI systems is easier said than done.

With Conversational AI, the Standards Work Heats Up

The W3C has published recent standards that will impact AI-powered speech applications.

How to Make ChatGPT Usable for Enterprises

Not surprisingly, a standardized format would make the process a lot easier.

When Not to Standardize

Not every aspect of voice systems can or needs to be interoperable.

Voice Privacy and Security Need Greater Attention

Privacy standards too often overlook voice data.

Natural Language Interfaces That Everyone Can Use

Users can differ widely in their ability to express themselves and understand.

The Ongoing Effort for Interoperable IVAs

Intelligent virtual assistants now have billions of users. When will they be platform-independent?

Assessing IVAs: How Do You Determine Which One Is Right for You?

There's still a lack of official standards, but some promising metrics have emerged

A Tangled Web of Intelligent Assistants

Getting them all to cooperate would tap their incredible potential

Encountering a Technical Problem? You Too Can Be a Standards Author

Your brilliant new idea might just end up becoming a popular solution

The Internet of Things Needs a Lingua Franca

With the proliferation of smart speakers, voice interaction with home devices is becoming increasingly common, and on the horizon are voice interactions with an ever greater number of smart environments—cities, offices, classrooms, factories, and healthcare settings. Developers will need to be on the same page

NLU Results Shouldn’t Be Proprietary

A common format for natural language tools would make everyone's life easier

Integrating TTS in Web Browsers Is Harder Than It Sounds

Text-to-speech for webpages has to tackle modern English's dizzying complexity

The Right Standard Makes Developers’ Jobs a Lot Easier

You'll never know whether a standard's a good fit if you don't try it out

Deep Learning, Big Data, and Clear Standards

For natural language tools to take on greater complexity, they'll need consistent, agreed-upon data annotations

4 Speech Technology Standards That Need to Happen ASAP

With new technologies appearing all the time, standards must keep pace

Let’s Get Siri, Cortana, and Alexa to Work Together

A new W3C community group is exploring ways to make virtual assistant platforms interoperable