
Have Your Cake and Analyze It Too

Self-service phone portal provider, VoiceObjects unleashed its latest phone application server software suite, VoiceObjects 7. The latest software comes with support for phone applications using text and Web channels. Also found in the VoiceObjects 7 suite is the VoiceObjects Analyzer, a self-service analysis environment. The VoiceObjects Analyzer provides insight into system usage, system and application performance, caller behavior, and recognition rates through 48 prebuilt reports. As part of its integration with VoiceObjects 7, the VoiceObjects Analyzer has eight new predefined reports providing three main functions:

Administration and Maintenance

  •  Number of Recordings
  • Channel and Driver Distribution

Application Development and Tuning

  • Recordings by Input State
  • Utterance Analysis by Session

Caller Analysis and Acceptance

  • Subsequence Analysis (Start-End)
  • Subsequence Analysis (Start)
  • Subsequence Analysis (End)
  • Channel Trend Analysis

VoiceObjects Analyzer automatically logs system usage into VoiceObjects Infostore with the option to custom log files for further analysis. This version also provides support for out-of-box capabilities. In addition to support for Business Objects XI and MicroStrategy 8 software, this component fully supports the VoiceXML 2.1 specification including utterance recording. "It takes away the needle in a haystack approach that you had to do before listening specifically to what the customer said to figure out if changes are needed to grammars or if the application needs tuning," explains Monique Bozeman, director of product marketing at VoiceObjects. "Specific to Analyzer, one of the things we are doing is to have predefined reports around utterance recording with support for VoiceXML 2.1."

"We are in the business of building self-service phone portals, we have a unique middleware capability that is different from the standard, out-of-the-box tools that you get from the IVR players today. With VoiceObjects 7 we make it significantly easier for customers to update and maintain their self-service phone portal," Bozeman says.

As for the benefits of a phone application server suite with built in analytics, there are two paths that enterprises often look at—the customer experience and cost savings. "We believe that those don't need to be mutually exclusive. You can have a cost-effective, operationally productive way of managing, analyzing, and developing your speech applications that in turn provide a rich customer experience. We have achieved that balance," says Bonnie Crater, senior vice president of marketing at VoiceObjects.

The VoiceObjects Analyzer was recognized by Opus Research in its latest report, "Analytics and Reporting for Phone-Based Self-Service," for providing superior data aggregation and reporting solutions that work with business intelligence and analytics solutions across the enterprise. The report states that VoiceObjects Analyzer "differentiates itself by promoting fast, efficient and relatively inexpensive methods for monitoring and refining VoiceXML-based applications."

VoiceObjects 7 comes with support for 11 additional media platforms. VoiceObjects 7 supports Cellicium Cellcube 3.6 and Sicap USSD browser for two-way text message interfaces and all XHTML 1.0-compliant mobile Web browsers. The software suite supports the following 11 new media platforms: Aspect CSS 7.2, Avaya Voice Portal 3.0, HP OpenCall Media Platform Video 1.0, I6NET VXIasterisk 1.5, Intervoice MTC VXML Browser 3.0.1, Microsoft Speech Server 2007, Nortel MPS 3.0, Nuance Voice Platform 3.1, Unisys Open Services Platform 4.8, and VoiceGenie 7.1.

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