
2022 State of the Speech Technology Industry

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After the disquiet of 2020, 2021 was supposed to represent a reset. But with the pandemic staying stubbornly with us, the year ended up suggesting that many of the changes COVID-19 brought to the economy and society at large might well become permanent. And clearly speech technology has a big role to play. Intelligent virtual assistants, equipped with conversational AI, will continue to get better and take on more of the customer service burden, thanks to steady progress in the speech development platforms and engines that power these apps. Higher contact center volume and more use cases for speech technologies, including in the healthcare and financial sectors, ensures a steady demand for analytics to help decode customer sentiment. These and other speech technology advances ensure that the future, while unpredictable, will also remain exciting. For a detailed look at the speech industry’s contributions, click on the topics below.

The State of Speech Engines

The State Speech Development Platforms

The State of Speech Analytics

The State of Intelligent Virtual Assistants

The State of Voice Biometrics

The State of Assistive Technology

The State of Artificial Intelligence

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